presentation of our breeding male:
A1Exotic Barney is a Savannah F6 SBT male and his color is black spotted tabby. He is 2 years old and has already produced magnificent kittens. He is a very good breeder. He is able to mate with Savannah females of generations close to the Serval and of large size.
Barney has exceptional USA origins. He is of pure lineage A1Savannahs (founder of Savannah in the USA).
He is also a docile, affectionate and dynamic cat. He has a very balanced and sociable character.
We can therefore offer you Barney for the breeding of your females. He is also tested PEK/DEF and FIV/FELV negative. He will ask his future suitors for recent serological tests in order to preserve his good state of health.
service offer:
If, however, you want to stay with your savannah cat, we can offer you accommodation in our house and independently, allowing you to watch the bride and groom!! Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.
This is Barney.